How to Balance Your Chakras


Many of the chakra “balancing” tips you find in books or online are really chakra boosting tips. In other words they’re tips on how to increase the energy and flow of any given chakra.  Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos™ are called “boosters,” but they’re actually “balancers,” because they’re sized in a way that boosts a deficient chakra while reducing an excessive one.

This means that you can use Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos™ to balance your chakras without having to diagnose your chakras first. But it’s important to realize that putting on all seven Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos at once may be too much of a boost to your energy system if you’re not used to running much energy through your system. For more information on how to begin using the tattoos, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions for Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos™.

Typically, to balance your chakras, you first need to diagnose their current state. You need to discover which chakras are deficient and which ones are excessive. To determine the current state of your chakras now, please take this quick and easy Chakra Test. Don’t think too much, just answer instinctually.

Whether or not you take a chakra test, it’s important to be aware that your chakras are always shifting – always – meaning 24/7. They may be shifting in subtle (or not-so-subtle) ways, depending on what’s going on in your life and whether or not you’re consciously engaged in chakra healing.

For this reason, it’s good to have a general chakra balancing meditation that will be effective regardless of the state of your chakras. I’ve created a great, guided Daily Chakra Balancing Meditation for you here. Or if you prefer, you can follow these instructions, and meditate on your own:

Find a comfortable seated position – cross-legged or sitting in a chair —  with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Your body’s position always affects your energy, so it’s important you take a moment to adjust your posture so that your spine is upright and your chakras are aligned. Here’s the best way to do that…

First, make sure you have a slight lumbar curve in your lower back. If your lower back feels outwardly curved, boost your hips a bit by sitting on the edge of a folded blanket, or grab your thighs with both hands and turn them inward and backward, drawing the flesh of your sitting bones back, slightly widening your sitting bones apart. 

After you create a slight lumbar curve, scoop your tailbone down toward the floor.  In other words, tilt your pelvis back a bit and ground the energy of your tailbone downward. This should create a slight contraction in your abdomen. Then lift your chest up higher, and imagine expanding your heart center. Finally, take the sides of your neck back slightly to line your neck up with the rest of your spine, and lift up lightly through the crown of your head.

You’re now in optimal spinal alignment. Place your hands softly on your thighs and close your eyes. Gently draw your attention to the base of your spine. Imagine your tailbone has an actual tail (or cord) – a red one.  Visualize this red cord extending from your tailbone all the way to the core of the earth.  See it attaching to the center of the planet, and feel how it gets weightier, grounding you and connecting you to Mother Earth.

On the next inhale, imagine drawing earth energy up the red cord, into your spine and all the way up into your heart. Hold it for a moment there, then exhale up the spine, and visualize bright white light extending up to the sky, like a whale’s spout.

Pause a moment, then inhale white energy from the sky back through your crown into the bottom of your heart. Hold it a moment, then exhale, sending it back down the spine to the core of the earth. Repeat this process several times, until you feel both calm and energized in a balanced way.

Suggestions for Boosting Individual Chakras

The meditation above is for general daily use when you want to balance all the chakras evenly. Sometimes you may want to focus on boosting a particular chakra if it feels low in energy or if a diagnostic test has singled it out as being weak. Here is a comprehensive list of ways to increase the energy of any given chakra.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

1)     Do a grounding meditation – imagining your tailbone attaching to the core of the earth.

2)     Rest and sleep well.

3)     Walk — with bare feet, if possible — paying close attention to your connection to the earth.

4)     Drum.

5)     Garden.

6)     Make pottery on a wheel or sculpt with clay.

7)     Trace your personal history and create a family tree.

8)    Observe and/or hug trees, and visualize their roots reaching deeply into the earth.

9)     Ingest red foods and drinks.  Beets are particularly strong since they are a root vegetable and a very rich red.

10)  Smell various musky and woodsy scents (as smell is the physical sense that is related to the root chakra).

11)  Listen to earthy, tribal music and/or watch this music video of my Root Chakra Healing Song .

12) Place a Root Chakra Booster Healing Tattoo™ on the lowest part of the back. Or for super grounding, place two of them on your front body – one on the top of each thigh. (IF YOU’RE PREGNANT – DO NOT WEAR THE ROOT CHAKRA TATTOO.)

Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

1)     Get a sensual massage.

2)     Take time to savor a delicious meal – include sensual foods and eat with your fingers, if possible.

3)     Enjoy a long, aromatic bath.

4)     Dance like nobody’s watching.

5)     Make love with yourself or another for twice as long as you normally would. Light candles and put on some pleasing music.

6)     Hoola hoop.

7)     Play with kids and let them lead the way.

8)     Lick a sucker all the way down without biting it (taste is the sense of the second chakra).

9)     Eat orange foods, especially juicy ones like oranges or mangos.

11)  Do water watsu.

12) Watch this music video of my Sacral Chakra Healing Song.

13)  Place a Sacral Chakra Booster Healing Tattoo™ on the sacral portion of your back and/or below the belly button on front.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

1)     Read mentally stimulating books.

2)     Sunbathe.

3)     Volunteer to lead something.

4)     Do a liver cleanse or a general detox program.

5)     Complete mind puzzles.

6)     Be courageous – do something that scares you.

7)     Laugh every day.

8)     Eat yellow foods and carbohydrates.

9)    Set a goal and create a plan of action.

10)   Perform in public.

11)   Workout your core.

12)  Watch this music video of my Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Song.

13)  Put a Solar Plexus Chakra Booster Healing Tattoo™ on your solar plexus on the front and/or back.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

1)     Practice gratitude.

2)     Practice gratitude.

3)     Practice gratitude.

4)     Keep a gratitude journal. (Get the picture?)

5)     Do some heartfelt volunteer work.

6)     Smile at three strangers (or more) every day.

7)     Say “I love you” to at least three people you love every day.

8)     Hug often (including yourself) and snuggle frequently.

9)     Keep a photo of yourself as a child where you can see it often, and give it love.

10)   Eat green foods – love your vegetables.

11)  Perform at least one random act of kindness every day.

12)  Watch this music video of my Heart Chakra Healing Song.

13)  Place a Heart Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoo™ on the front and/or back side of your heart center.

Throat Chakra (Visuddha) 

1)     Play any instrument (drum, harmonica, guitar, etc.) without regard to being “good” at it.

2)     Write a haiku about anything (it’s easy, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables).

3)     Sing in the shower.

4)     Scream or laugh out loud in the privacy of your own car.

5)     Take a one hour vow of silence, then expand it to more hours, until you can spend a whole day without talking.

6)     Tell someone you trust a secret you’ve been keeping.

7)     Listen to your favorite mood-music while doing nothing.

8)     Fake yawns for about five minutes to open the jaw.

9)     Say your favorite mantra (or affirmation) 10 times.

10)   Eat blue foods. Blueberries are a great anti-oxidant.

11)   Tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth for a whole day.

12)   Watch this music video of my Throat Chakra Healing Song.

13)   Place a Throat Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoo™on the back of your neck.

Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)

1)     Stargaze.

2)     Do exercises that balance the right and left hemispheres of your brain (search for some online).

3)     Daydream.

4)     Listen to your intuition – and do what it says.

5)     Try to see people’s auras – a faint energetic outline around them.

6)     Meditate.

7)     Keep a dream journal and analyze your dreams.

8)     Search online for a third-eye chakra yantra and gaze at it.

9)    Play with oracle and/or tarot cards (and do readings for you and your friends).

10)   Eat violet/indigo colored foods like eggplant and/or concord grapes.

11)   Watch this music video of my Third- Eye Chakra Healing Song.

12)   Place a Third-Eye Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoo™ above and between the brows or anywhere else on the body (see use instructions).

CrowChakra (Sahasrara) 

1)     Pray.

2)     Meditate.

3)     Imagine a thousand petal lotus on your crown.

4)     Put clear quartz crystals in your water to make “crown chakra tea” and drink it often.

5)     Make a beautiful altar with your favorite sacred items and pictures of beloved deities.

6)     See yourself in every person you meet by finding one commonality or connection.

7)     Practice silence for a chosen period of time.

8)     Wear white.

9)    Abstain from eating – do a healthy fast.

10)   Use these sacred incense or essential oils: frankincense, mhyrr and lavender.

11)   Watch this music video of my Crown Chakra Healing Song.

12)   Place a Crown Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoo™ on the top of the crown (if you’re bald) or the back of the high heart (between the heart and throat chakras).