Crown Chakra: Sahasrara

Location: Just above the center of the head
Color: Violet (to White)
Element: Consciousness
Quality: Non-Dual/Unified
Means: “Thousand-Petalled” Gland: Pituitary Sense: None (and All) Seed Sound: Silence
Means: “Thousand-Petalled” Gland: Pituitary Sense: None (and All) Seed Sound: Silence
Gems: Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Diamond
Essential Oils: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lavender
Characteristics: Connected to Universal Life Force, grace, knowing and bliss
Ailments: Mental disorders (especially delusional or disrupted brain states), neurological problems, brain diseases like cancer, meningitis, encephalitis
Best Ways to Open: Prayer, meditation, fasting, visualizing crown sliding open like a sunroof, wear my Crown Chakra Healing Tattoo
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