If You’re New to Chakra Boosters I Want You To…

Start by Taking This Online Chakra Test By Clicking Here
(Just 5-10 Minutes & It’s Free)

Then Come Back Here & Grab My Quick Start Package
and Begin Activating & Healing Your Chakras Today!

This Empowering Quick Start Package Includes…

1. Unleash the Power of Your Chakras Video Course ($147 value)

I guide you through simple chakra activating exercises as I introduce you to the quality and energies of each chakra. Discover how to activate your “feminine” and “masculine” chakras to experience both inner fulfillment and outer success. You won’t find this content anywhere else!

This 2-hour video course feeds your mind and body. Learn about the chakras while activating them too.

2. Two Full Sets Of Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos ($40 value)

(Heal 24/7 – Even While You Sleep!)

These beautiful tattoos are so powerful they boost your chakras all day long – without you having to think about it.
And they Look Good Too!
I’ve sold more than 160,000 of my Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos™ to happy customers in over 55 countries.
Now you can wear them too. 
Curious how they work? GO HERE.

3. My Critically Acclaimed Healing Album

“Chakra Love”

($11 value)

Music has a way of reaching the subconscious mind. You’ll receive a digital download of my original chakra songs and begin a powerful healing journey with hooky, modern beats and ancient healing mantras.
My Quick Start Package delivers a 1,2,3 punch that gets your mind, body and LIFE moving.
The Total Value of the QSP (if you buy all the items in my store right now) is over $198.
As a new customer, this is your opportunity to save more than 50%.

Get the Entire Quick Start Package for Only $97

Yes, I know I’m “giving away the farm” — and that’s okay. I want you to feel good about getting the chakra healing you deserve. 

Feeling an inner nudge? Create a transformational turning point right now.